Clanfield News
​Unsung Heroes
The maintenance of the open spaces in this village is a very costly business for the Parish Council and,but for the commitment and ongoing hard work of a few residents,cost pressures would likely result in increases in local Council Tax.Did you know that a few men in our village are saving us thousands of pounds every year? From as early as March,through to November they cut grass on:
- The Playground area on the Recreation Ground
- Both Village Greens
- The Bowling Greens
- The Bowling Green at the Carter Institute
- All grass on the non road side of the Brook from the Tavern to The Carter Institute
- The roadside grass both sides of Main St from the Tavern to the Post Office
- The roadside grass from the Football Club to High House (except Windmill Barn who cut their own frontage)
Weather permitting, they do this on a weekly basis and,given recent weather conditions this must have been quite a challenge!!
So who are these unsung heroes to whom we are indebted?
​Glyn James-Co ordinator​
Peter Farley - Clive Clark - Giles Haughton - Craig Godfrey - Phil Smith - Andrew Bradley .............and there is someone else that we must not forget....Patrick Edwards who keeps the Recreation Ground grass cut regularly to make it a pleasant place to play and walk.
On your behalf and particularly on behalf of the Parish Council we need to say a huge thank you to these wonderful people.
Should any of you be prepared to give 2 or 3 hours per week on a rota basis (about 5 times a year) to help with this enormous task ,Glyn would be happy to hear from you. Full operator training is given before any new volunteer uses the mower.
Thank you
Lynda Scott
Clerk to the Parish Council